Kontent Bot

KontentBot was released on Friday, August 12th and has sold over 1,000 copies since. KontentBot was released on the idea that it could create content quickly and save you time from having to actually type out or pay for someone else to write your articles. So does it live up to that claim? Yes, and no. Read on to understand what I mean.

KontentBot is a WordPress Plugin that is developed by Simon Greenhalgh. Simon is an outside of the box thinker that loves to create software to save online marketers time and money. He has also developed LinxBot and BlogzBot. Each has their own unique purposes. If you want to learn more just search the Warrior Forum for more information on those two applications but since this review is on KontentBot I won’t go further into them. Simon takes feedback from his sellers and goes back to the programmer and make updates based on this feedback. I like this idea since you can never find better information than from internet marketers themselves.
KontentBot Features
You can choose your article’s originating source or let Kontentbot find the best article source for you.
It will find 500 word (optimum length for SEO) articles. Ready to spin into 100% your own unique content.
You can check uniqueness via built in Copyscape checker to make sure you get 100% credit from search engines for your content.
Kontentbot is super easy to install and comes with full step-by-step video tutorials.


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